Category: EHCA

ENLIST Act is No “Act of Love”

Members in both parties of the U.S. Senate and House, along with aspiring Republican Presidential candidate Jeb (Act of Love) Bush wish nothing more than to push through amnesty prior to the 2016 election, if not 2014.  In the DC bubble, the narrative is that the Republican Party must take swift action to gain political …

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On Its Fourth Anniversary, Obamacare Blazes a Path to Tyranny

Obamacare aka the Affordable Care Act turned four on March 23, 2014, Although the House voted 54 times to undo, revamp or tweak the law, it lives on, even as it undergoes frequent alterations and delays to its mandates while continuing to alter the finances and lives of millions of Americans. We cannot help but …

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The Rise and Fall of Freedom

Voltaire said, “Man is free the moment he wishes to be.” Maybe the inverse would be, Man is enslaved when his masters convince him freedom is not worth the effort. The desire for freedom ebbs and flows. Can we agree that America’s relative freedom compared to the rest of the world is ebbing?  The 20th …

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Generational Theft and Unlimited Government – We’re Doing it For the Children

2013 will be remembered as a time of rapid political transformation in the United States as a second term administration implements their progressive wish list.   Americans are trying to comprehend a government that has replaced free enterprise and individual sovereignty with European-style socialism/progressivism and all its glorious attributes – income redistribution, massive federal debt …

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GOP Establishment Embracing Progressives is a “Primary” Concern

GOP leadership in Washington and numerous states, both red and blue have aligned with big government progressives against millions of conservative-minded Americans who consider ObamaCare and amnesty a toxic threat to their children’s future.  GOP leaders like Senators John McCain and Mitch McConnell no longer pretend to champion small government. national sovereignty or individual freedom. …

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John Kasich Employs ‘Buckeye Bypass’ to Fund “Obamacaid”

Ohio has accepted the Medicaid Expansion Provision of the Affordable Care Act and a 7 member Controlling Board that includes a Kasich appointee approved accepting Medicaid expansion money being offered by the Dept. of Health and Human Services (HHS). Legislators in Ohio’s Senate and House placed a specific provision in the budget that prohibits accepting …

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Dear Speaker Boehner: Stop Obamacare – There are Better Ways to Reform Health Care

Speaker John Boehner H-232 The Capitol Washington D.C. 20515 October 9, 2013 Dear Speaker Boehner, leaders and members of the U.S. House and Senate, Our Turning Point, a coalition of Southwest Ohio grassroots organizations, offers this open letter expressing our views on the current debate surrounding the funding and implementation of Obamacare. Grassroots liberty organizations …

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Protecting the Voices of Freedom

A parent recently dared to stand and question a local school district panel explaining/promoting, “Common Core” standards in Baltimore County, MD.  If you watch the video, it is clear this man was physically removed and arrested for attempting to ask a question of the officials about implementation of common core in his school district.  The …

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Colorado Recall is a Beacon of Hope

Colorado voters reminded state legislators on Tuesday September 10 that they serve at the will and pleasure of the people they represent.  People of the high country were not thrilled on July 1 when new restrictions went into effect on gun magazine capacity as well as universal background checks and laws making it illegal to …

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America’s Future Will Require Civil “Resurrection”

Americans might wonder how historians will recount these days in our Republic.  The “Age of Arrogance” may best describe both the era and the relationship between citizens and the political class.  French diplomat Joseph de Maistre is credited with the phrase, “Every country has the government it deserves,” which is a reflection of our unwillingness …

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Amazon #1 Hot New Release “A Better Tomorrow” Author Rob Hudson

Amazon #1 Hot New Release: Author Rob Hudson Finally, A rousing defense of Capitalism! For twenty five years, business attorney and author Rob Hudson fought for small business owners and the jobs they create.  He witnessed and challenged our federal government’s efforts to harass and, at times, nearly destroy businesses.  Along the way, Rob served …

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President Obama at The Ohio State University

The President offered a mixed bag of advice to graduates at The Ohio State University, during commencement at the Horseshoe on May 5. Some of his comments could easily have been mistaken for a conservative, “The founders trusted us with this awesome authority. We should trust ourselves with it, too. Because when we don’t, when …

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Impact of Marketplace Fairness

Taxation is often A if not THE focus for fiscal conservatives.  Taxation occurs at every political level: Local, State, and Federal.  Another equally important focus is a constitutionally limited government.  As such, we would expect to drive taxing decisions closer to the people when possible. Our existing Ohio State tax code declares Sales & Use …

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